We have chosen Veg4C as the bed to plant the garlic in the next week or two. Yesterday we cleared out the area or about 8’x23′ or 200 ft^2
added a wheelbarrel of compost salvaged from the dismantling of the old
composter, and finally a bag of sheep manure from Canadian Tire.
We fired up the mantis tiller and went over the bed a couple of times.
It still needs more soil, as the tiller was bottoming out against the bedrock, but we will have to wait until after the july harvest to add more.
This is not a true raisedbed, but rather a pile of dirt on the back peat/loam area that is now Veg4c. It is surrounded by the Lee Valley black nylon deer fence, now approaching its 2nd winter, but nothing but leek moths bother the garlic.

Two good articles from our local guru Paul Pospisil: How to Plant Garlic and How to Harvest Garlic