Today finished the planting of all the items started in the greenhouse. The peppers have been planted, the extra tomatoes from the plant sale, and the Batchelor buttons and marigolds are in the ground. Had to scurry to find room for all the peppers. They fought so hard to grow, they were being planted. Everything is full, and I cannot squeeze in another plant.

Some of the peppers where put in where lettuce varities did not come up. Replanted some radishes and lettuce to eat. Also replanted The Student-Parsnip, all the seed I had from FireFox farms (Robert & Carol), the first planting did not come up. Not uncommon for parsnip, as the germination rate is low.

Now, have to get ready for the Transit of Venus and gather up all the equipment. The clouds are moving in but they are cummulus, and moving at a pretty good rate. Weather prospects are good with some cloud, with more cloud overnight, with rain tomorrow.

Feels good to have all the plants in the ground. The Black Mustard plants were cut and turned over in vegie 5. Ordered more black mustard, but Richters did not send it, probably waiting for more themselves, may be too late to plant again this year. This is for bad nemitodes in the ground. This is a organism that effects garlic. We are being proactive, and planting it in the area, the garlic will go next year. Also, will dense plant more garlic next year.