20130520b-32Instabench.. kind of implies it was a quick build, no?
What was supposed to take only an hour took a couple of weeks, most of it with the wood, drawings, screws, glue and other supplies sitting on saws, waiting to be cut.

This is a sub $20 bench made from two 2″x8″x10′ pieces of wood and a bunch of 2.5″ robertson wood screws (about 16) and some wood glue.

The feet are cut at 22.5 degrees so that when they come together they present a flat surface for the seat, and enough lean back room to be comfortable and a big enough foot stance to be stable.

The seat is 42″ wide, more than enough for two or even three people.

The plans came out of a weekend woodworking magazine and looked like something fun, and something that was functional that we could use.
We will be having garden tours later this summer and thought it would be a good idea to have a few of them sitting by each garden for people to rest at.

They (there will be others!) will be painted bright primary colours in the near future.