While waiting for the sun to come out  and too warm up a bit, I did one of those jobs you always say you will get around to , and never do. Seperated out the cards, Christmas, Birthday, other types, blank notes….key!! Always keep the envelopes with the cards, makes things much easier!

The Sun came out and did some cleaning up. Raked the empty sunflower seeds up at the appropriate feeders. Cleaned up the downed fine cones and put them under the tree and put the head back on MoonMan, looks better.

Did some solar observing in between the clouds showing back up!

Also watched some art video’s with Angela Fehr, Live Tuesday’s.

At the end of the day, we did more work on the Hoop house, 90% done, need eyehooks and rope and we are good to go. Will do some planting today…..so exciting.

Rain is coming so the grounds will be wet again. Need to find the watering can though.

Well, off to package up newsletters and head out for a walk. Perhaps I will stop off a the library, looking for a book : )