Phew! Kim worked hard and has completed the processing of the 2023 SCGO Garlic Harvest.
This involved cutting the tops and bottoms off, cleaning the dirt off and then measuring each bulb and weighing each type.
We hope to transcribe the data sometime in the next week to get a feel for what worked and what did not work this past year.
This will help us plan for the 2023 fall Garlic planting coming up in October.
I suspect that we will again this coming year, downsize from our largest crop of approx 1500 in the past years to something a lot more reasonable.
We used an 8 hole dibbler to make planting holes for the cloves last year and that was too damaging to the knees to work again, so it was cut own to a 6 hole dibbler, a 25 reduction in bulbs alone!
Archive for August, 2023
From later in the morning on Monday. Jupiter was almost overhead… 60 degrees of altitude!
very little if any atmospheric dispersion in colouring but still not absolutely clear or steady.
No great Red Spot in this image but the moon Io can barely be made out to the right side.
Jupiter? 20230827
This is Jupiter believe it or not.
This is in the middle of a run of approx 10 runs that were batch processed in Autostakkert! v3 and is the only run that shows this really really weird artefact pattern.
I have yet to reprocess this one individually. It is going to be really interesting to see how it turns out.
Jupiter later the same morning as the previous Saturn post.
Still not really great… I am still trying to recreate the 2016 ultracrisp seeing images that I took.
This shows Jupiter and the Great Red Spot.. which is not nearly so Great anymore.. still shrinking and loosing colour contrast.
This is the best 10% of 10K frames, each exposed at 10ms
One of the first times that I can remember that I have been able to image a planet at opposition. In theory this would be the closest and best time to image.
This is Saturn from Sunday morning around 01:23 EDT (05:23 UTC-4)
details are annotated on the image so I won’t repeat a lot of those. In short this was the best 10% of 6700 frames each exposed for 36ms.
One of my best Saturns I think. Always looking to make it better though.