We went to the Canada Blooms show in Toronto on Thursday and quickly remembered why we had not been there in some years.
First off, Toronto is insanely busy and noisy. The number of people going into the show on an early Thursday morning was also insane.
There were 22 odd display gardens, all of which were very nice (and expensive) but they gave us a few ideas on what to do at home.
We hit a couple of talks that were good. We were surprised to see that the folks who talked the night before to the L&A Horticultural meeting were also giving a talk at this show. Busy couple of days for them!
The show runs too much to the retail commercialization give-us-your-money, especially with more and more booths that had nothing to do with gardening. Too many chakra happy magnetic ionized bullshit booths, again all trying to take your money with promises of miracles. Arrg!
Canada Blooms, you are losing it.
Grade: barely passing.

One of the really nice things we saw there was the City of Toronto’s extensive displays on veg gardening inside the city, green roofs and composting.