Jupiter 20240827
We had the opportunity to try out a new Optical Telescope Assembly the other morning and so were up and about at 04:00 EDT aiming to image Jupiter, even with the last quarter moon sitting right on top of it.
The results were exciting:
This is Jupiter without any barlows or powermates, at f10, FL 2350mm showing much sharper detail than I have seen in years, along with the moon Ganymede, coming out from behind Jupiter moving right to left.
This is the best 5% of 22K frames, each frame about 1.4ms, as stacked by Autostakkert! V4 and then wavelet sharpening using registax. I’ll note that Registax standard settings were not of any use with the new optics… I had to try some other settings that have not been proven. Perhaps with more testing, it will get even better!
I am very happy with the results and in the next imaging session will in fact be using a x1.5 barlow to bring surface details up even more.
As a comparison, here is an image from last month using the old optics: