After a very long time, and a bad incident with a cable jamming the scope, we are operational again!
1) a newly repaired heater in the telrad finder was installed
2) the mount was roughly reset to home polar north, started up and a 2 star align was done with Sirius and Mirfak
3) The telrad was aligned with the primary OTA and camera, the finder was shimmed and is better but not centered perfectly yet.
4) Jupiter! Found it in the finder and did a little grid search to find Jupiter. Found it and did the first imaging run in ages.
Overall the image is much softer than normal. This may be due to the high cloud that was out this morning. Io is to the lower right and looks out of focus a bit as well. I had zoomed in a lot to Io to do the initial focussing… guess it was not very good.
THe GreatRedSpot is just appearing on the left limb.
Overall this was the best 5% of 15K frames, using a x1.5 barlow.
Cable management needs more work, focussing needs more work, and the testing of some software to do a little more processing (contrast enhancement, colour saturation, and sharpening) needs to be done as well.
But.. focus on the good things (pun intended)… the mount has been aligned, the telrad has been installed and is aligned, the finder has been installed and is aligned.!