Saturn 20240628
Switching from observing and imaging in the evening to the morning now, since that is where all the planets be. This is a session Friday morning starting at 04:00 EDT and ending about one hour later. This close to the summer solstice, dark does not last very long and even at 04:00 EDT it was pretty darn light out.
The other new major change was in the focuser, moving from a remote rack and pinion focuser that had a lot of backlash and image shift, to a remote moonlight CS focuser that had no backlash and no image shift. It made focussing much easier.. hopefully it will help in making it better as well.
This is the best of 15 runs of Saturn. The range of quality across even just one hour was amazing. Some high cloud had drifted in and out during the session.
So, this is the best 10% of 11K frames of 16ms each. A UV/IR cut filter is in the optical chain along with an Antares x1.5 barlow.
Saturn’s ring are approaching edge on and will be getting dimmer and dimmer until they are edge on in 2025 March.
Saturn is only 18 arc seconds large at magnitude 0.9
This was captured with Saturn only 35 degrees above the horizon. with an equivalent airmass of 1.74 It will continue to move westward (higher), the skies will get darker and so in a few weeks Saturn is improving in imaging circumstances.
Below is an animated .GIF of the 15 processed images: