Spring is coming… this Sunday March 20th, 2011 at 19:21 EDT to be exact.
And that has caused us to start thinking about gardens.
So far the plans are pretty minor. Moving the two cold frames in front of the greenhouse elsewhere so the space in front of the greenhouse can be turned into a vegetable bed (#6).
The two cold frames will have to be moved sooner than later so they can be prepared and planted in within a week or two.

While we are at it, two more raised beds will be built (#7,8), both consisting of three courses of minities (3″x5″) forming a box 3’x8′. These should be good to pull out smaller absolute quantity items out of other mixed beds, and to get more isolation as needed.

That and another 15 yards of dirt has to be tracked down, purchased, delivered and moved into place to top dress various other veg beds. Good exercise that.