Welcome to summer 2013
Summer is finally here… arriving at 00:04 EST or 01:04 EDT.
I recently came across a folder of scanned slide images from the past, so I thought it might be an idea to start posting some of them, just because.
This first one is from 1990 November 22nd, a sunset over Lake Ontario from the shoreline of Kingston Ontario. A little bit of cloud, a public piece of art and some tree silhouettes complete the composition.
Details about the 35mm camera are unknown… could have been a Chinon or Pentax. Exposure details are similarly lost in the mists of time.
This next one is from sometime in the late 1980’s. It will take some time to try and narrow it down more.
Canadian actor James Doohan speaking at Queen’s University in the JD University Centre.
Best known for his role as “Chief Engineer Montgomery Scott” in Star Trek (The Original Series).
This is in B&W as I was still submitting images to the University Yearbook and doing their Colour slide printing along with other folk.
Not 1989-1990, so maybe 1987 or 1988?