Lennox and Addington Horticultural Society meeting
Last night (Wednesday December 4th, 2013) the Lennox and Addington Horticultural Society held its annual Christmas Pot Luck Dinner and Annual General Meeting.
Smart planning scheduled the pot luck meal first at 18:00, then the Annual General Meeting and then, at the end, the door prizes. 🙂
28 people attended, with visitors from District3 as well.
Annual General Meeting general events:
introduction of District 3 officials
2012 agm minutes read and accepted
2013 year activity report
financial report read and accepted
Bylaws passed unanimously
Election results: all acclaimed, no election.
Congratulations to
President: Mary Lockhart
Vice President: Tom Bridge
Treasurer: vacant
Secretary: Florence Bell
Directors: Larry Davy, Maggie Marlow, Gail Knowles, Judy Bullock, Cindy Weatherhead
The AGM adjourned, the door prizes went out to all with 1 or 2 left over, and the event was over around 20:40