It’s gardening season and there have been a lot of gardening related events of late.
Here was an entertaining 2 hours with Mark Cullen at the local Napanee Home Hardware on Thursday May 15th.
He was fun, admission went towards local charities and all was good.
On Saturday May 17th, 2014 the L&A Horticultural Society held a fund raising plant sale. It ran from 9am to 2pm on a cloudy and slightly windy day… that was also chilly. Members provided the plant material for sale and there was a lot of it! There was even a lot left over after the last hour running a two for one sale.
A good turnout at the Farmers Market behind Napanee city hall.

Sunday May 18th saw a meeting of the HSGeo (Heirloom Seed Growers of Eastern Ontario) at a local members home in Kingston. It was a good 2 hour catch up on the progress of the various gardens, who was planting which and what.

20140519c-8396Monday May 19th, 2014 saw Paul Pospisil from Beaver Pond Estates talk about garlic. We’ve known Paul for many years now but still learn something new every time we see him talk. He was at the Bath Gardening Club meeting. We normally cannot make Monday 2pm meetings of this club but this Monday was a provincial holiday and a nice day for a 40 minute drive down to the Lake Ontario waterfront.