The worst of the heat and drought have almost given rise to cooler wetter conditions, but not quite yet.
20160903_105936This is raised bed #1, containing heirloom tomatos. They are still mostly small and behind with many of the blossoms some weeks ago dying off.

20160903_105923 Raised Bed #2 also contains heirloom tomatos, these doing a little better.

20160903_103834 Raised Bed #4, having had garlic in the fall winter and spring, was harvested in July and then allowed us to transplant heirloom tomatos from pots, into the ground. They are a good 2-3 weeks behind the rest of the tomatos but otherwise as doing ok.

20160903_103841Raised Bed #5 is mostly potatos. Only a few varieties have died off with the others still bushy and hopefully growing large potatos. There are a few scattered tomato plants here and there that are also doing ok.

20160903_105912 Raised Bed #7 also contain heirloom tomatos… and they are doing very well… lots and lots of greenery along with some good size tomatos.

20160903_105907 Raised Bed #8 did hold the garlic bulbil project over the fall, winter and spring, and were also harvested in July. Now there are late growth lettuce, radishes and a couple of strawberry plants transplanted in.

20160903_105900 Raised Bed #9 is also heirloom tomatos, many of which are the smaller variety like “sweetie” and have come along gangbusters.