The 2018 garlic planting is complete. Still no final numbers but on the order of 85 types and over 1000 cloves planted and covered. The bulbil project is also completed with over 50 bulbils planted and covered. Phew! The relief!
The weather has been worse than in past years, colder, wetter and grosses to be planting outdoors. It was not nearly as enjoyable this year as the last night of planting went well into the darkness with 1-2C temperatures and spitting drizzle.
Cracking the bulbs in advance was a great time saver, indoors vs outdoors.

Garlic in VegBeds 1, 2

Garlic in Vegbeds 1,2,3

Garlic in Vegbed9

Garlic in VegBed10

Garlic bulbils in Vegbed7