You know spring has sprung when you plant peas and clean out eavestroughs… well at least the planting peas part.
Seeds from 2013, 2015 and 2017? or 2018? were planted into our Vegbed #4 alongside a shed that will shade them in the afternoon and evening.
The ground is still cold, and in places still frozen only 6″ down. Even the garlic raised beds seem to be frozen 6-10″ down.

The eavestroughs had to be cleaned out as we are supposed to be getting 25-50mm of rain today and into Saturday morning. They were pretty packed solid of detritus. The Davis Vantage Vue weather station is down again and for the foreseeable future, as yet another brand new lithium 3vdc battery went dead, within just a few days. We are now looking to connect and external power supply to it and see if it is working at all anymore.
Getting a replacement Davis Vantage Vue is out of the question, mainly because of the outrageous prices.
as seen on
Davis Instruments 6250 Vantage Vue Wireless Weather Station with LCD Console by Davis Instruments
Price: CDN$ 529.20 FREE SHIPPING.
Well at least there is free shipping!
But wait.. there’s more! This model does not connect to a PC for data logging purposes. For that you need
Davis Instruments WeatherLinkIP Data Logger and Software for Vantage Weather Stations by Davis Instruments
Price: CDN$ 329.58 & FREE Shipping. Details

Well at least there is free shipping!

This is unbelievable in this day and age of microelectronics and USB everywhere.
There are alternatives out there and if the external power supply repair does not work out, those alternatives will be closely looked at.