Pi Projects update
The weatherpi (3B model) data logger for the Acurite Pro Weather Station has been operational now for over 5 days straight, with the weather sensor out in the back vegetable garden. Everything is working fine and nicely correlates with the remote thermometer at the front of the house.
The oldest pi (model 1b) has failed at the simplest of tasks we wanted, running a 55″ display with web browser contents.. it just could not keep up. So it has been permanently retired.
The 2nd oldest (model 2b) is running the display and can even play music at the same time.
The next project in development is the wireless allsky camera, as seen here:
Installing raspbian “buster” with desktop went in fairly well on an 8GB microSD card, but because we would be storing imagery onboard for some unknown amount of time (we ran it for one night and found 2600+ images at 300K each totalling 770MB for the one night), we upgraded to a 16GB microSD card.
We hope to move images off the raspberry pi microSD card on a regular, automated process, but sometimes life happens and it does not work out as planned 🙂
This is a pathfinder project for the local astronomy club. Once operational, a detailed project plan will be written up with parts, supplies, sources, software and instructions… and then we will go from there.
The software install and initial configuration is complete.. now we turn our attention to the camera housing.