Taste of the Danforth
Saturday August 7th, 2010 we did a roadtrip to Toronto, parked, caught the bus and the subway and arrived at the Taste of the Danforth Greek food celebration around 11am. Things did not seem to get going until noon so we took a little snack break and by noon the crowds had arrived.
We were surprised to see Jack Layton, Head politico of the federal NDP there. Someone said that this was in his riding. Ever since we saw him on The Rick Mercer report (a couple of times now), our respect for him has gone way up!
Back to the food: The best freshest greatest tasting food ever! This chicken-on-a-stick was great!
.None of the vendors on the street tried to price gouge you either! This souvlaki was $3.
Gabby’s had ribs and they were apparently great ribs! They had spent the last two weeks cooking up over ten thousand pounds of ribs and would sell out later that day. Not surprising with an estimated 1.3 million people attending the event over 3 days.
Some of the firepits were amazing. You could see the smoke billowing from the far end of what we thought was 2 km of closed off street.