Hurricane Sandy prep
As of early this morning (Monday Oct 29, 2012)
Hurricane Sandy was predicted to pass right over our house, but now the latest prediction shown (Monday afternoon) has it passing to our east. It looks like the storm is predicted to slow down by a few hours and that gives it time to move eastward.
We’ve prepared the best we can.
All small objects around the yard have been picked up, deck items have been put down, inside or all together, downspouts cleaned out.
Inside we have 80L+ of stored water, lots of firewood for heating and cooking, a backup propane cooking stove and lots of birdseed… err catfood.
We have a few outbuildings that we are concerned about but what more can you do. They are locked down, have some extra ropes on them.
The latest news is that the winds will be from the northeast and then later on from the north.