L&A Hort AGM
The original post was lost in the system crash of a week or two ago… The data backups went back to only January 1st so we lost a few blog posts in between.
This was one of them.
The Lennox and Addington Horticultural Society Annual General Meeting was held on Wednesday January 16th, 2013.
It went pretty smoothly and the elections resulted in:
President Mary Lockhart
Vice-President Kevin Kell
Secretary Florence Bell
Treasurer Kim Hay
Past-President Hildegard Dorosh
Directors Larry Davy
Maggie Marlow
Carolyn Reynolds
Norma Godden-Wiseman
Looking ahead in 2013
Wednesday January 16th……Annual General Meeting, election of officers
Wednesday February 20th Tammy from Flowers by Barbara will share her ideas and helpful hints for Buying and Arranging fresh flowers
Wednesday March 20th Mr. & Mrs Paul from Paul Ridge Berry farm will tell us about the cultivation of strawberries and raspberries and how to make fruit jams and jellies
Wednesday April 17th Peter Fuller of Fuller Native & Rare Plants of Belleville will discuss:
Using Native Perennials for Gardens/ Naturalizing.
There will also be an opportunity to purchase some plants at the meeting.
Wednesday May 15th.. Garden Tour of two gardens
1. No-lawn… Backyard Garden Design
2. How to Welcome and Feed Butterflies and Birds
Both homes near each other in Sandhurst Shores…directions to come
Wednesday June 19th Pot Luck Dinner at the Napanee Fire Hall at 6:00 pm. Bring a dish to share, and your own plates/cutlery.
Wednesday July 17th summer break – no meeting plans
Wednesday August 21st 6pm Annual BBQ at the home of Kim Hay & Kevin Kell, outside of Yarker.
Wednesday September 18th: Garden Review
Submit photos or bring a USB of your garden photos that you would like to share with us and talk about…if you are planning a special garden feature or renovating a disaster zone please take a few shots and tell us the story.
Wednesday October 16th: TBA
Wednesday November 20th: TBA
Wednesday December 4th: Annual Potluck Dinner starts at 6:00pm