Software update day
It’s a nice quiet day at home with all of the cats asleep and time to do some software updates.
Stellarium 0.12 from 0.11.4 – an astronomy planetarium software program, very handy to have. will try to have it control the lx200 gps telescope.
Synergy v1.4.10 from 1.3.1 – a keyboard and mouse sharing application that allows me to use one keyboard and one mouse across two computers with two monitors sitting side by side.
SkyChart v3.8.2450 (formerly known as cart du ciel). I still haven’t gotten the hang of the user interface, but still a powerful planetarium program.
Virtual Moon Atlas v6 a really good lunar atlas.
RegiStax Free image processing software – haven’t used this in awhile… will try it again
deepskystacker v3.3.2 has been the main program I tend to use. Hasn’t been updated in a few years. Very resource intensive.