
Seedy Saturday Kingston was held today, Saturday 2014 March 08, at this hall. This was the 2nd? or 3rd? year at this location. In the past it was held in the largest room at the downtown Kingston Public Library

Robert and Carol’s Bean collection showed up for display as well, and seeds were given away for donations. 8 rows down by 9 columns give me a total of 72 types of beans in their collection.


It was busy most of the day and all seemed to have a good time! The basement area was constantly filled, the main floor was busy until the afternoon when it cleared up a bit and the top floor held some talks that were well attended. The only outstanding issue was a lack of parking needed for the large crowds at peak times. Donations seemed to work quite well in the face of a lot of priced seed packets.

Here are Karen, Kim and Kate near the end of the event, at the seed exchange and information table on the middle level.