spring is here?
The last two weekends (2018 May 5-6 and 12-13) have been the first warm and best of the year… now if only the black flies would die off (3 weeks now).
Outdoor prep work continues apace. VegBed#11, recently built from 2×6 lumber, was filled with 3 yards of earth and had plants stuck into it this past weekend.
The last of the 8 yards of earth have been moved from the dumping spot to various beds and lawns. Work continues to prep for more planting and transplanting next week. Most of the water hose system is in place and working, over 500 feet of hose around the perimeter to the places where it is needed.
The four rainbarrels are up and running, being fed from the rain gutters and troughts, and into two watering dishes for birds and butterflies.
The greenhouse is still leaking a little but the water is managed as to where it goes.