Sunday 2018 July 22nd, the 2nd day of garlic harvest. Saturday was about 3 hours of harvesting just under 200 plants. Sunday was only about 1 hour for just under 100 plants.
They were hand brushed off to get the very hard dirt out of the root and bulb surface, then rinsed in water and finally tagged with a cargo tag with their type and number and hung up to dry in a shaded open air leanto for 2-4 weeks.
We plant a minimum of 6 cloves of each type with 12, 18 or even 60 of types we like. Their were over 80 types this year and we hope to be finished the harvest in another 6 days or so. A new feature, as yet untested is a washing station table, basically a 2’x4′ box with hardware metal mesh over the surface on a stand 36″ off the ground. We will try this out the next harvest session.