The seeds were all dried and put in their packets today. Nine types of tomato seeds were saved out this year.

Anna Russian (mid-large Red), Tiny Tim (red currant) , White Queen (mid White/yellow), Lemon Drop (Yellow cherry)  , Scotia (md red-sweet), Roma (Red- plum med), Large Polish (red- Large) , Pineapple (Large bi-coloured), Napoli Paste (Red mid ).

Issues with Tomatoes in general this year, needs more spacing. Need better and higher staking for the large varieties, such as Kelloggs Breakfast, Pineapple, Brandywine, Cherokee Purple, Southern Nights.

Tiny Tim, is a small bush size, so no staking required. Lemon Drop, needs staking and a tomato cage to hold the stems. Scotia was prolific this year, and so sweet. Higher staking required, as it was very heavy with fruit. All Paste tomatoes, need lots of staking , as they too get heavy.

Stake the plants early, and monitor every couple of days. There was early blight this year, and though the leaves were taken off, the late blight came after the rains in August, and the plants went quickly. All debris was burned.