For the first time in I don’t know how long, we had some spare time, it was clear, and we got outside for an hour of observing. It was nice… cold but nice. No Space Station passes this time around, they seem to be in the morning hours for the next few weeks. Iridium flares seem to be clustered in the late afternoon. Oh well.. It was clear but a little hazy with a Sky Quality Meter reading of 21.01.
We set up a new telescope (images a little later), a Meade DS2090 90mm alt-az refractor.

Ran it through its paces and will write up a little story for Regulus. Jupiter was low in the southwest but we used it as a test of the new telescope’s optics. We also ran through M31 Andromeda, M57 the Ring Nebula in Lyra, Alberio, M45 the Pleiades and even attempted Uranus. There were a few sproadic meteors, and maybe even a Taurid meteor or two. After an hour the -7C temps were getting to us and we packed up for the night. It was good to get back to the eyepiece.