After work today while in the pool we were treated to a partial double rainbow in the east. It had clouds with wind coming down and corpuscular rays going up through the rainbow.

Upon going on the daily bug hunt a ripe lemon drop tomato was found on a plant in garden 5a, so before the deer or the chipmunk found it, I ate it. The first ripe tomato eaten this year. It was sweet and juicy and brought such a pleasurable smile to my lips, and a burst of flavour to my taste buds. There is nothing like your own freshly grown tomatoes.

Moving on to garden 4, some tomatoes are ripening, but I headed over to the corn. After hearing about the western worm that attacks the silk of the corn,then borrows inside, I opened one ear. There nestled inside the ear was a worm. Was it the new bug, or the corn worm? I picked another ear and it showed a couple of rows of unfertilized corn. The stalks are turning brown. The type of corn is an heirloom variety, Golden Bantam. This is the first year we grew corn, mainly because I was interested in knowing how it grows.

I brought in the ears, the bugs and the leaves. Pictures were taken to identify the worm, one was light brown, dark head, the other was a darker brown, with a brown head, about 2.5 cm. long. There was one that had borrowed in the bottom of one ear.

The corn was cleaned and the bad areas taken off and cooked. We had our first corn tonight. It was so good and sweet, some butter and a little salt, yum.

To end the night, a few blue coco beans from the vines, and fresh dill.

These truly are natures treasurers.