It has been a great week so far.

Sunrise Monday July 25th
July 25, 2011 Monday, it rained, we needed it. There was a sunrise, and it was raining. Later notes from others said there was a double rainbow.
Came home and did some garden work and prepared for the talk on Tuesday.

Deer and fox July 25, 2011
While on the phone talking to Sara, a mother deer and a fawn was walking next door in the back field. Its the first time we have seen the deers in awhile. There has been evidence of them being around since the beans on the three sisters plantings are missing. While the mother deer was eating two red fox came out and decided to run around the deer and the tree.

Talk at Oak St Garden
July 26, 2011 Tuesday, I gave a talk at the Oak St Garden on Growing Garlic. Kevin assisted and it was a great time with handouts, hands on demo’s of a full garlic bulb, great audience participation with questions and some field work to show how to harvest the garlic.

La Hoya Plant July 26, 2011
We have a La Hoya plant hat has never flowered until this year. We have one flower head on it, with serveral small ones starting. It is beautiful, and the flowers look wax like in appearance. A wonderful smell.

Food Bank Garden
July 27, 2011 Wednesday, we went to Roblin to pick up the CSA share then off to the Napanee Food Bank Garden to weed our rows, 6, 7 (Peas) and 26 (Beans). Well the peas were done , and the beans only needed watering. There were a few weeds but not a lot.

Eros Tomato (Red) first tomatoe of 2011
Coming home and going through the gardens, we have found our first ripe tomatoes. These are the red Eros tomatoes midsize and sweet.

We do have some tomatoes with blossom end rot, and and leaves that are showing early blight. These were also noted at the Napanee garden.

Thursday- Went out this morning to see the sunrise and the layer of mist in the meadow, and the crescent moon in clouds.Sunrise and cresent moon

Later today there is a RASC meeting late in the day, and I look forward to what the rest of the day has to offer.

It is the small things in life that give you greatest pleasure, seize the day and enjoy every moment.