Monday evening 2012 February 20, it was not too cold, it was clear, and we were not too sick from colds and flu. So outside we go to find Venus low in the southeast and Jupiter a little higher up, over the house.
This is a 2 second exposure at f2.6 and a 5.8mm FL from the little canon powershot A540 on a tripod. It is always nicer, or at least makes a better photo for human interest, to have some foreground objects in the frame. In this case it was late enough in the evening to get some of our trees in the shot and a little bit of the house roof.

A little later that evening, Kim spotted a slow moving light in the north moving west to east so we swung the camera around for a 15 second exposure and caught the International Space Station going by. It tends to got by for a few weeks at a time, with one or two really good overhead passes, which tend to be the brightest as well.

Lastly that evening, just before it was time to head inside, Kim took a series of Orion images, always nice to look at.