David Levy Speaking Tour Kingston Event
Join us this spring when eight centres of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada (RASC) will host a rare lecture tour by famous astronomer and comet discoverer David H. Levy.
Speaker: David H. Levy
Title: Visual Comet Searching: A Requium?
Event Date: Monday 2013 June 3rd
Event Time: 8:00pm (doors open at 7:30 pm)
Location: Ellis Hall Auditorium, 58 University Avenue, Queen’s University, Kingston Ontario
The auditorium is accessible with a ramp at the front entrance.
Admission: No Charge
Parking available on Queen’s University surface parking lots (Mac-Corry Lot is the nearest)
Welcome from the RASC Kingston Centre – Ruth Hicks
Introduction of the Speaker: Terence Dickinson
David Levy: Visual Comet Searching: A Requium?
Book Signing to follow (Bring your favourite David Levy book!)
David H. Levy (born May 22, 1948) is a Canadian astronomer and science writer most famous for his co-discovery in 1993 of Comet Shoemaker–Levy 9, which collided with the planet Jupiter in 1994.
Levy was born in Montreal, Canada. As a child, he became enchanted by the night sky, with a special love of comets. He received his B.A. degree from Acadia University, in Wolfville, Nova Scotia, in 1972, and his M.A. degree in English literature from Queen’s University at Kingston, Ontario, in 1979.
David graduated B.A. (English) from Acadia University in 1972 and M.A. (English) from Queen’s University in 1979
David has been awarded five honorary doctorate degrees, one each from Queen’s University (1994), Acadia University (1995), McGill University (2003), University of Tampa (2004), and State University of New York, Plattsburgh (2005)
David is Honorary President of the Kingston Centre and of the Montreal Centre of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada.