Ontario has become the first jurisdiction in North America to fully eliminate coal as a source of electricity generation. The Thunder Bay Generating Station, Ontario’s final remaining coal-fired facility, has burned its last supply of coal and will be converted to burn biomass.


Now we just have to get the US states upwind of us to shut down theirs as well and maybe we will all live a little healthier.
On the other hand, electricity prices are heading up again effective 2014 May 01

The New Low Rate — 7.5 cents kW/h, up 0.3 cents — in the overnight weekday hours of 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. and on all weekends and holidays.
The Medium Rate – weekdays between 7-11 a.m. and 5-7 p.m. will be 11.2 cents kW/h, also an increase of 0.3 cents.
The High Rate – 13.5 cents kW/h, weekdays between 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. The on-peak power price is up 0.6 cents kW/h.

Now this is only 50% of the total delivered to your house costs. There are transmission charges, taxes, old debt and other charges as well. Offsetting those is a 10% credit which still tops out the total bill about 2x that of the price of the power alone.

As of today, a 1kwh load running all of the time for one year, will cost you approx $1552 (a little less as I did not take into account statutory holidays). So that 40watt bulb illuminating the cats food and litter area will run you 0.040*$1552 = $62
That old CRT TV that is always plugged in but not turned on is That measured in at 7 watts or $11/year.

Time to start turning off all of the computers when not in use. And a lot of other 110vac powered items!