The RASC-Kingston Centre met last night (Thursday June 12th) from 19:00-21:15 in Ellis Hall Room 324 at Queen’s University in Kingston.

Introduction were made, announcements and discussion about the national RASC organization, upcoming astronomical events and then we launched into two presentations from members:
Richard Weigand on his foray into the Isabel Williamson Lunar Observing Certificate Program and
Hank Bartlett on his recent experiences in the southern hemisphere astronomy and Machu Pichu in Peru.

Following that were presentations on The Torus Project, the RMC project, and members observing reports including ones from Susan Gagnon, Bruce Elliott, Rose-Marie Burke and myself.

Refreshments were available during the break along with a small swap meet.
A good meeting and a good visit with you all! A reminder that there will be no meetings in July and August.