Another morning forecast to be cloudy but turned out to be relatively clear.

Temp: -1C
Transparency: average (based on 40-50ms exposure time giving 80% histogram exposure and
Seeing: poor (based on the amount of motion of the image in the FOV and focus ability)
Wind: 5kph from the SW

This image was the first of 13 runs or 120seconds each, starting at 05:20 EST (10:20 UTC). Exposures were 48ms and the best 75% of the frames were used to create this final image.
Jupiter was 27 degrees altitude, 132 degrees azimuth
The last run was 05:40 EST (10:40 UTC)
The Moon Io is just out of the FOV to the lower left. No Great Red Spot is visible.

Seeing got worse as the runs continued. To the naked eye Jupiter looked clear and sharp, but in reality at F20, there were a lot of fine clouds moving across it as well as turbulent air.

This is the animated result of the 12 runs, using 2 images from each run, usually the best 50% and best 75%.