Serendipidy got us up and outside at 04:00 this morning and only then realized that it was one of the rare Titan transits the planet Saturn dates! The transit ran from 02:00-06:00 EDT approximately.
It was not forecast to be clear this morning and indeed it was not. quite a lot of haze (transparency poor, seeing average) and I got 9 imaging runs done as the cloud rolled in along with the fog.
exposures were approx 35ms in a 180 second run.
This image was the best of 10%, processed with autostakkert! v4 , drizzled x1.5 and then into registax for wavelet processing.
The scope continues to behave well as Saturn did in fact appear in the FOV of the primary camera after the initial slew to Saturn.
Titan appears as a dark spot near the bottom of Saturn.
Below is an animated .GIF of the 9 imaging runs, with the last ramping up from 35ms to 50ms and a lot of cloud.
The animated GIF shows Titan moving from left to right.