Jupiter 20240910
Another early morning imaging session before work.
This time a rebuilt styrofoam dew cap went over the heat strap on the front correct plate of the C9.25 SC. It worked!
No dew or fog this time!
This is still using my old registax wavelet settings, and I still have to sit down one day and work on new ones for the new optical setup. This shows Jupiter (no Great Red Spot) and the moon Europa moving right to left behind Jupiter.
I’ll post the animated .GIF of the session on the website starlightcascade.ca/jupiter a little later
The coarse focuser has some issues, so I still can’t use the x3, x2.5 or
x3 barlows.. this was taken with the x1.5 antares barlow. A little softer in focusing and contrast but a pretty darn big image scale. Overall however.. not too bad. seeing and transparency were both bad Tuesday morning.
After rewatching (again!) the BBC Masterclass in imaging, and doing some more research, I have found out what may turn out to be an even better method of ROI (region of interest), tracking and FPS (frames per second). Once I get caught up on sleep and get another clear morning I will try it out!
I also have to measure the Outside Diameter of the assembly so I can order a bahtinov mask to aid in focussing.
Below is the animated .GIF on the session. You may note that Europa disappears then reappears.. that is the telescope mount not tracking correctly and Europa dipped outside of the FOV for that imaging run.