And another run of Jupiter from this morning from about 04:30-05:30 nice.. no mosquitos! Lots of dew though but the dew heater strap around the corrector and the foam dew cap continue to work well.

This is the best 5% of 8K frames at 3ms each over 180 seconds. Io can be seen in the lower left and Callisto to the upper left of Jupiter. This is also using the older workflow without Cutout boxes.. because I forgot. When you have a refined process that you have used for months if not years, it is tough to change and to remember the change. So this is an 1800×2000 pixels that was drizzles/upscaled x1.5

So the first 6 runs were the old workflow, without cutout box and the one below is the best of 13 runs using the cutout box.
This shows only the moon Callisto to the left of Jupiter.

No GRS is seen. Transparency was poor especially with the near full moon in the sky, and seeing was poor to average.

Below is the animation of approx 40 minutes of runs