This evening we went out at -5C thinking it would stay that way and just more than 30 minutes later, we came inside to discover the temp was in fact -16C. The indoor hot chocolate I had formed icecubes when I picked it up!
This was one of only two runs of Jupiter last night. There was a shadow transit!
The moon appearing in the upper right is Io
The shadow is from Europa, which is just out of frame to the right.
Seeing was poor, transparency was poor
Focus… my remote focuser dropped connection.. over and over again. So the focus for this was not spot on at all.
Altitude was good.. almost 58 degrees up. This is the best 15% of 18k frames.
I’ve also started to change my firecapture cutout box from 800×800 to 600×600. As a direct result of that, the frame rate went up even more! I still use an ROI of 1200×1200. Tracking went well.. I did not have to guide at all in two 120second runs.