Some images of Mars….
2024July, 2024 August with the Vixen VC200L
and last night 2025Jan09 with the Celestron C9.25
also included is the Sky&Tel Mars simulator showing topographical features
All with x1.5 barlow
Overall I am Squeeeee! ing (with joy) all over the place over last nights latest image!
Seeing was poor, transparency was poor and there was that large honkin moon still up in the east as well. Mars was only 37 degrees up over the horizon.
It will only get better! (no moon, higher Mars, better seeing and transparency)
We are looking at Chryse in the middle of the planet, Solis Lacus a little to the lower left, Sinus Meridani to the right . The Tharsis region to the upper left.
New standard workflow: firecapture, autostakkert!, regixtax, gimp, imagemagick
Now to start work on the Jupiter run and try out using WinJupOS on a run of 36 .