2nd clear night this week!
2009 A 2nd night of observing in a single week, after months of little or none at all.
We took Sky Quality Meter readings with both our own standard version and the RASC Responsible Lighting SQM-L boxes. I took some more images with the canon camera, tweaked the allsky camera timings, updated the SBIG camera drivers (some of those had not been updated in 7 years!).
SBIG Drivers:
sbigudrv.dll was v4.60.32 is now v4.61B3
sbigudrv.sys was v4.06 is now v4.07
sbiguldr.sys remains the same at 2.46 and
sbigusbe.sys remains the same at v1.1
There does not seem to be anything notable to comment on, except that they did in fact work.
We tracked down Comet C2006/W3 Christensen, just of Sagitta. It is listed in Starry Night Pro v3.1 as mag 11.9 but it must have been brighter as it was just on the edge of averted vision visibility in the 20cm scope.
No images unfortunately, just a defocused blob in the right place.
Sagittarius in the south (64 sec) with the allsky camera dome on the right and the centre of the Milky Way galaxy running down the centre.
Sagittarius in the south (64 sec) zoomed in a little. Star trails become evident.
Sagittarius in the south (64 sec). Darn clothesline in the shot again!