Jupiter 2015 March 23
A good imaging session of Jupiter last night – 2015 March 23 Local from around 19:45 to 20:15 EDT (UT-4)
For the first time this year, a dew shield was used to protect the front corrector lens on the Meade 10cm SC from condensation and fog.
In the past few sessions, it seemed the images got worse over time, caused by increasing fog.
This time it seemed that images did not get worse, and if anything, got better during the session.
I did start in twilight and ended in darkness, so that sounds correct.
This first image is with the celestron x2 barlow with 30ms exposures for 60 seconds, using 50% of the frames
This next image is from earlier in the run and is not using a barlow, giving f10 and fl=1000mm
exposure was 6 or 7ms for 60 seconds, using 50% of the frames.