Another great morning to be out before sunrise and imaging Jupiter.
This time was between 05:15 and 05:40 EST with the last quarter moon getting close.
This was a 60 second run using the best 10% of 1464 frames at 41ms each with a Celestron x2 barlow and the ZWO ASI 120MC camera on a 20cm Meade LX200GPS.

Barlows may get you a larger sized image, but at the cost of a software focus, lower contrast and a longer exposure time (x4 time for a x2 barlow).
This was processed with autostakkert! into a .tif with no drizzle, then imported into Registax 6 and wavelet processed with my “jupiter” settings. I’ve just started to use registax for wavelet processing and the results are so good I may give up on the old process of autostakkert directly to .png format with a x1.5 drizzle enlargement.