This is the best image from this mornings run of Jupiter, from 03:58-4:40 EDT.
Meade LXD55 Mount, Meade 102mmSC fl=1000 plus a x2 barlow and the ZWO ASI 290MC camera
180 seconds of imaging run at 13ms exposures for about 13500 total frames.
Processed the best 25% of them with autostakkert!3 and registax for this image of Jupiter and its moon Callisto.
My annotation system is in ruins, so no annotation on the image today. North is up rotation is left to right.
Seeing was poor, transparency was poor.
Possibly, for the first time *ever*, I think I may have used dark frames to help process this. It’s hard to tell with firecapture… I took dark frames but am then unsure if firecapture itself subtracted them away from the realtime light frames or not. The dark frames got stored as .dark files that do not look like any image file format I have seen, and autostakkert! cannot load them in as dark frames. Ditto for flat frames. took them.. don’t know if they got used or not, again stored as .flat file types that cannot be imported into firecapture.
Just went through the firecapture video tutorials and did not come across any useful info